Monday, 2 February 2009

As you all (ha! 'all' there is maybe one of you) know it snowed today.
me and my pals went out and made a Snow Lady

Snow lady

And then, in line with long standing tradition, we picked on the weakest member of the group...

Sibby to die

... To death. We are hard core that way...

Sibby deed

... Then tuned on each other...

Da, da, daaa, daaa, daaa, daaa,  dadada

AweSOME day. Wished the Girlf was there though...


matthew mclaughlin said...

That's awesome. Looks like you got much more snow than we did here in Cambridgeshire. Not that I'm complaining - I'm from Pennsylvania and my old neighborhood got slammed with a blizzard a couple of weekends ago, getting close to three feet of snow! No thanks!

©amellia Melli Pops said...

Bet G/f was glad she wasn't! I am :)